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The US Army Delta Elite is a secret special forces branch that takes the best from every branch. These "Bests of the Bests" are organized into squads; Delta A, Delta B, Delta C, Delta D, Delta E, Delta F, Delta G, Delta H, Delta I, Delta J, Delta K, Delta L, Delta M, Delta N, Delta O, Delta P, Delta Q, Delta R, Delta S, Delta T, Delta U, Delta V, Delta W, Delta X, Delta Z, Delta Sniper Operators Force (DSOF), Delta Anti-Armour Special Operations Task Force (DA-ASOTF)

It's top brass are General James T. Johnson Sr. and Colonel Richard A. Adrious. {Colonel Adrious.} It also operates at least 30 SpecOps squads: SpecOps1 A, B, and C, SpecOps2 A, B, and C, SpecOps3 A, B, and C, SpecOps4 A, B, and C, SpecOps5 A, B, and C, SpecOps6 A, B, and C, SpecOps7 A, B, and C, SpecOps8 A, B, and C, SpecOps9 A, B, and C, SpecOps10 A, B, and C,
